You can’t escape fast fashion. It’s everywhere. From the minute you stalk goodies from your favourite fashion retailer online, to five minutes later when you see advertisements of the said same items popping up all over your Facebook or Instagram feeds.
Why? Because fast fashion is designed to sell. And sell fast!
Actually, the more we think about it, it’s a little creepy, but perhaps the scariest thing about fast fashion is that it’s hard to ignore.
But never fear, because we believe fashion is changing. People are becoming more savvy about where their clothes are made and how they get on their body. And needless to say here at Rebel Muse we’re all about the slow fashion movement.
Less is more, quality over quantity is part of our vocabulary so hopefully we can inspire you to think a little more about where and who makes your clothes as well.
Hence why tonight we thought we’d chat about some of our favourite ethical fashion instagram accounts we love to follow. Want to learn a little more about the slow fashion movement? Follow them too!
Stella McCartney
A veteran to the fashion world and long time vegetarian, Stella has been into ethical fashion way before it was cool. Plus she doesn’t use any fur or leather in her designs, making her a leader in sustainably ethical luxe fashion. Baby steps, right!
Emma Watson
So yes, we all know Emma Watson for her feminism girl power prowess as much as for her acting abilities but in between these gigs this gal has been shouting from the rooftops (of Insta via her OOTD posts) about sustainable fashion too. Follow her and she just might convince you to make a smarter choice next time you shop. Plus, remember her Met Gala gown made out of recycled plastic bottles? Just a fun reminder that she’s really been on this bandwagon for a while.
Miroslava Duma
Mira, Oh Mira. Yes, we all love her for her wicked fashion sense and the ability to make a preggo bump look cute. But she’s a business savvy fashion woman and earlier this year she launched a new company, Fashion Tech Lab (FTL) that funds, connects and develops cutting-edge technologies and sustainable innovation with the aim of transforming the fashion industry.
“Investment targets will focus on the fields of materials science, biotech, nanotechnology, wearable electronics and high–performance fibres and fabrics.” She told Business of Fashion (BoF).
“Millennials and Gen Z, those are the ones who demand sustainability in every single area of their lives…part of my decision to set up FTL was driven by a personal quest to find environmental and sustainable solutions for the fashion industry. Something I feel very passionately about.”
Watch this space.
Laura Wells
A model/ marine biologist with a passion for the environment, when we think of ethical fashion we seriously can’t go past Laura Wells. Follow her on Insta and not only will you see a beautifully curated feed of her looking to die, but she also uses her social media platforms (mainly Insta and Snap) to talk about issues she genuinely cares about). Wells admits she struggles “with the fact that the fashion industry perpetuates over-consumption, and is not sufficiently transparent, but I think I offset that to a certain extent with my advocacy work.”
Plus with a bio that reads: “Don’t be a dick. Help the planet – your actions count.” How can we not be down with that!
Clare Press
And last but not least, Aussie fashion writing veteran, Clare Press – even her name conjures up whimsical descriptions of trends gone by! Having spent five years as a Features Director at Australian VOGUE and worked as Features Director for Sunday Style your bound to have seen some of her writing float on by. Today though, she is the author of Wardrobe Crisis, How We Went From Sunday Best to Fast Fashion (Nero, 2016), and The Dressing Table (Penguin/Lantern, 2011). And is one of Aus’ main lovers and spreader of the word re. slow and sustainable fashion. Fashion lovers, must follow now.