more fashion tech growth.

The most basic definition for fashion technology is very easy: fashion technology is the use of technology to market a fashion item and to make a fashionable item, or advertise the fashion item. In the words of technology and fashion are two different disciplines that collaborate to build upon one another to make something bigger and more effective than the things they could accomplish by themselves. One way to get exposed to this idea is to read fashion-related blogs.

That’s why we’re confident that there are plenty of you wanting to learn all you can from the constant development of tech that is fashion-related. If you want to dive into the world of fashion tech and tech, here are the top 10 tech blogs you should follow right now and keep updated on the most recent developments in the field!

10 Fashion Tech Blogs You Should Follow

  1. The Current Daily

Previously also known as Fashion & Mash, if you just happen to be looking at one of these websites on our list then this is it. This is not only one of the most fashionable tech blogs available, it has also partnered with the world’s leading innovation company, The Current, this well-known tech blog is now working to create partnerships that help the development of new technology which means they propel the business of fashion forward. If you’re looking to keep abreast of the newest trends in digital marketing as well as the latest innovations in retail and the latest developments in AI in relation to fashion You’re sure to be interested in keeping your eyes on this blog.

  1. Wareable

With a particular focus on fashion tech and its relationship to fashion that is wearable, this website is a great resource if you’re looking for ways to understand how consumers are wearing tech. It’s been a long time from the simple fitness trackers and Wareable illustrates how many fashion companies as well as retailers are profiting from the growing popularity of wearable technology. If you’re a tech enthusiast who wants to be current with the latest developments technologies in wearable technology and wearable tech, then Wareable is the perfect technology blog for you!

  1. BOF Fashion Tech

How can we discuss trends in the fashion world without not mentioning Business of Fashion? as the most trusted source for everything that is associated with the fashion industry as well as business issues, BOF has created a entire section on their site exclusively dedicated to fashion tech. Because the technology is expanding rapidly. quickly. Being the leader in all matters associated with business and fashion you can rely on the information provided by BOF.

  1. FashNerd

If you’re a person who has an habit of keeping track of the most recent fashion tech developments and news, then you’ll definitely want to be watching the feeds of FashNerd. Established in 2015, this well-known fashion tech blog is among the most popular digital magazines in the field. Offering everything from insightful posts as well as engaging video and technology reviews, you’re sure to be able to stay glued for hours the most current and informative technology news in fashion on FashNerd.

  1. Tech Loves Style

For a more intimate take on tech trends we recommend you checking the blog Tech Loves Style. Being aware the fact that technology is among the most popular topics for fashion bloggers to cover What started as a school project by Editor Yarina Yao has now become one of the most popular technological blogs worth following. Every day, providing the latest tech and fashion news and technology, it’s evident that every article posted at Tech Loves Style aims to inform and educate readers about how these two fields continue to expand together. With contributions from a wide range of experts and industry experts, Tech Loves Style is the most comprehensive resource for people who are interested in the latest trends in tech and fashion.

GlossyThe blog was launched in the year 2000 by Digiday Media, Glossy focuses on the rapid growth of digital technology within the beauty and fashion industries. The blog combines information about the digital revolution along with current discussions about beauty and fashion this blog is an excellent read for those interested in fashion technology in a rapidly digital world.

  1. WGSN

Since it is all about connecting to the consumer the blog gives insights into the latest the latest trends in consumer behavior emotional, thinking, and. The consequences of the global pandemic as well as how brands are using technology to connect to their clients are popular subjects on their blog that is a part of their mission of forecasting fashion trends and the growth of fashion tech.

  1. Wide Eyes Blog

With a particular attention to the visual, Wide Eyes aims to connect online commerce and technology that allows customers to engage more with their products and content. The blog talks about the digital revolution in shopping online and how brick and mortar shops are seeing more and more digital aspects in order to attract customers and improve the shopping experience for shoppers. In the wake of lockdowns in many regions and other restrictions, this blog offers an excellent analysis of the changing digital trends in the world of shopping, both on the internet as well as in physical stores. It’s an interesting subject to discuss while the emerging pandemic continues affecting clothing industry.


The Luxor & Finch blog expands its analysis of sustainability and fashion technology and human rights. The blog’s current topics are the challenges faced by fashion retailers as well as the technological aspects that accompany a fit strategy and how it can influence brands. The blog is an interesting resource for those looking to broaden their understanding of possibilities that are discovered in the field of fashion tech and fit strategy.


Author: admin

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