There are many aspects to design when designing. These design elements can be divided into two categories: Principles and Elements. This can be described as: “The principles are the directions for a cake recipe, and the elements the ingredients.” These principles (or directions) can be flexible and should be understood within the current fashion or problem that the designer is trying to solve. The directions (principles), for example, would be different for a design for a costume than for one for a current fashion garment. Ingredients (or elements) are raw materials that need to be combined. These elements can alter the flavour of the garment in the same way that ingredients can affect the taste of a cake. “A brighter colour dress makes it more attractive than a dull, neutral one, even though its design is the same.” – 1998 Fabric & Fashion Design Competition Guide.
Fashion design consists of four elements: form and form, colour/value and texture. Five principles are essential to fashion design: balance, harmony, rhythm, harmony, proportion, scale, unity (harmony), and emphasis.
Fashion and accessory design are dominated by form and shape. The silhouette or shape of a garment is the most visible element. It is often the first thing people see. The silhouette, also known as “form”, is the garment’s outline. It is meant to complement the body’s shape. Exaggeration can emphasize or create an effect, depending on the fashion trend.
The simplest element in the design is the line. There are two types of lines: style and outline. The outline is the outer edge of a design, while style lines divide the space within the outline. If you wanted to trace an outfit from a magazine or catalogue, you would follow the outline. You can create style lines with various things, such as belts, ruffles and seams.
Colour is often the most important thing about a design. How you feel can be affected by colour. Everybody loves to wear their favourite colour, making them feel great!
Another important aspect that can make a difference is the texture. It is important to think about how the fabric feels. Understanding how the fabric will feel and drape when designing is important. Overalls, for example, look great in denim but wouldn’t you prefer silk satin overalls? Most likely not. It is important to pair the design with the right fabric.
The first principle of proportion is the most important. The first principle is proportion. This creates a feeling of unity when all parts (sizes and numbers or amounts) are in good alignment. When drawing or sketching the human body, proportion also refers to how large the head is about the rest. Scale refers to how large an object or its components are compared to other objects or parts in the design.
Balance is a simple concept that anyone can understand. Balance can be described in two ways. They are not limited to fashion design. These two types of balance can also be applied to any other type of art or design. Designers and artists can only use asymmetrical or symmetrical balance when balancing their pieces. If you divide an outfit down the middle, both sides will be the same. It is asymmetrical if you split an outfit down the middle, and the sides are different. Because it is dramatic and eye-catching, asymmetrical balance is very popular in evening dresses.
Unity refers to the feeling of harmony among all parts of the design. A sense of completeness is created by the overall design.
Rhythm is the repetition of lines, colours and trims that create a pattern the eye can follow through the design. You could use ruffles or polka dots as examples.
An outfit’s design focuses on what your eyes are drawn to. This could be an element that draws your attention, such as a horizontal stripe, jewel, or even a contrasting colour.
It’s not difficult to grasp fashion’s basic elements and principles after all this is said and done. Once you understand this, you will find them in every outfit you see. Take a look at your closet and drawers to see how many elements and principles you can find.