Troublesome Skin? It might be time to strip back your routine!

Everyone has different skin types and skincare needs. Others prefer a simple and quick skincare routine, while others like a more complex one. There are times when your skin needs rebalancing.

What is rebalancing?

The goal is to achieve a perfect balance between the oil and moisture of your skin, which we call “normal skin.” This makes the skin more tolerant and less oily or dry.

Pevonia Essential Line: The perfect antidote for unbalanced, dry skin.

The Dry, Sensitive, and Combination essential lines are based on the perfect ratios of Essential Oils for optimum rebalancing. Essential oils are complete, whole plant compounds. The oils contain the plant’s life force, making them not only powerful but also beneficial!

How they work…


This is incorrect. Dehydrated skin does not always mean dry skin, but it can be both. When your skin needs more water and is dehydrated, it also requires more oil.

The Pevonia Dry Skin Line contains hydrating Hyaluronic Acid, as well as nourishing Micronized Vit E and Pear Seed Extraction and the Essential Oils Rose and Ylang Ylang that stimulate the skin’s production of oil.


For those with sensitive skin, it is important to choose products that have ingredients that soothe, calm, heal, reduce inflammation, and moisturize.

The Pevonia Sensitive Line contains soothing, calming ingredients such as Allantoin and azulene and healing ingredients Aloe, Chamomile, and Propolis that help to repair and reduce the redness and discomfort experienced with sensitive skin. However, it is the French rose essential oils, which are gold because they not only soothe the skin but also balance oil and moisture levels, offering stronger protection from the elements.


Combination skin is a difficult skin type to treat and understand. However, if you follow a simple, clear regimen, it will help balance and hydrate the skin.

It is important to note that combination skin needs products that normalize skin deficiencies and combat dryness.

Pevonia’s normal to combination skin line includes some of the best essential oils, such as Grapefruit Oil, Rosemary Oil, and Lemon Grass Oil. These oils are effective in balancing oily skin secretions. These oils “sedate” oil glands. The combination of Arnica Oil, Hazel Nut Oil, and Vitamin E will result in tightened pores and toned, refreshed, and balanced skin.

If your skin feels less than “normal,” or if you have an ingredient overload, then it may be time to simplify your skincare routine and take advantage of the powerful rebalancing properties of the Pevonia Essential Lines.

Author: admin

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